The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many times - Mild 8, moderate 20
Obscene Language: Many times - F-word 174, s-word 31, other 19, finger gesture 1
Profanity: Several times - Regular 3 (G), exclamatory 4 (OG, OMG)
Violence: None
Sex: Several times - unmarried couples in bed; few times graphic with nudity
Nudity: Few times (male rear, breast); Near nudity - several times (girl in towel, men in underwear, low cut blouses, revealing clothing)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times (references to sex, slang terms for sexual function, sensual kissing, reference to prostitute with clients, comments about phone sex)
Drugs: Many times - Alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana smoked, references to taking ecstasy/ heroin/ other drugs
Other: Rap music containing offensive lyrics (f- & s-words), graphic self-gratification, man shown on commode, man lies to get into club
Running Time: 100 minutes
Intended Audience: Young Adults
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