The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (21) times - Mild 7, moderate 14
Obscene Language: Many (15) times - F-word 1, s-word 6, other 7, finger gesture 1
Profanity: Many (30) times - Regular 9 (GD 1, G 5, J 2, Honest to G); exclamatory 21 (OG 9, OMG 9, My Lord 1, MG, Dear G)
Violence: Few times Moderate (car runs into house, fall injures leg, punch, cut on leg)
Sex: Implied few times (unmarried couples in room dressing/ elevator with female rear nudity/ bed twice)
Nudity: Once (female rear); Near nudity - Few times (obscured nudity in shower, woman in underwear)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times (sensual kissing, reference to adulterous affair, man caresses woman, suggestive comment about baseballs, man refers to his package, reference to circumcision, joke about condom use, humorous reference about plant care leading to sex)
Drugs: Many times - major theme, alcohol, cigarettes, prescription pills, overdose victim, drug paraphernalia
Other: Freakin used as substitute for f-word few times, vomiting, diseased liver picture, group chants supportive religious phrases, serenity prayer recited, need for help/ change recognized
Running Time: 103 minutes
Intended Audience: Teens and adults
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