The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (33) times - Mild 17, Moderate 16
Obscene Language: Many (28) times - f word 10, s word 9, other 9
Profanity: Many (28) times - Regular 22 (C 4, J 3, GD 10, for C sake 1, Dear J 1, G 1, JC 1), Exclamatory 6 (My G, Oh My G, Oh G)
Violence: Several times - Graphic and severe (bloody bodies of murdered girls, man's fingers broken with club, several disturbing executions - one goes wrong, man clubbed in head, violent scuffle - guard strangled, prisoner shot repeatedly, man grabbed by throat)
Sex: Once - married couple (sounds heard from house, man/woman shown in bed afterwards)
Nudity: Once (man's rear shown while dressing); Near Nudity: Once (man/woman under sheets)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Crude comments from prisoner, innuendo about married couple's sex drive)
Drugs: Prisoner drugged, social drinking
Other: Guard shown urinating, prisoner urinates on guard, irreverent mock prayer, derogatory racial term used by prisoner, redemption story of a good man unjustly sentenced to die
Running Time: 182 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults
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