Juror, The

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +2 1/2

Content: -3

The premise of THE JUROR hangs by a slender thread: the stalking of a juror by the defendant's mafia-type accomplice. The victim-juror, Annie Laird (Demi Moore), is a single mom and a sculptor eking out a living for herself and her 10-year-old son, Oliver (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). She finds herself doing jury duty for a mobster's murder trial and is then stalked by The Teacher (Alec Baldwin), the brains behind the mob. He bugs her house, eavesdropping on every conversation, following her every move, and learning every detail of her life. His purpose is to have her vote to free the defendant. Soon, the lives of Annie and Oliver are threatened as The Teacher even reaches Annie when the jury is sequestered, urging her to sway the other jurors. Despite some lags in the timing and pace, THE JUROR, though unbelieveable, will maintain interest and suspense.

Unfortunately, numerous offensive elements pollute this R-rated film. Annie supplements her income by serving as a church secretary, yet her behavior and foul language don't reflect a religious faith. Some of her sculptures even mock religion. The gangsters spew out many obscenities, crudities and profanities. One graphic sex scene with nudity between The Teacher and a woman doctor ends with the Teacher killing her. Although both are nude, only the woman's breasts are exposed to the camera. Dancers in a Go-Go club are shown in skimpy outfits with rear male and female nudity as they gyrate suggestively. Using graphic violence to entertain, some graphic mob violence includes one particularly chilling scene. The Teacher puts a drunk man behind the wheel of a car and pushes it over a cliff into a lake. A child threatened and an adolescent shot, plus other killings, a forced suicide, property damage and explosions permeate the film. After viewing THE JUROR, many prospective jurors may fear serving on criminal cases. Hopefully, the discerning public will want to avoid this warped view of our justice system.

Preview Reviewer: Bonnie C. Harvey
Columbia Pictures, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (17) times - Mild 9, Moderate 8

Obscene Language: Many (46) times - F-word 28, s-word 14, other 4

Profanity: Many (16) times - Regular 12 (GD, C, J, G), Exclamatory 4

Violence: Many times - Moderate and Severe (shootings, adolescent shot, drunk killed in car crash, gun threats, forced suicide, property destruction, man killed in car explosion, throat cut, child threatened)

Sex: Once with breast nudity

Nudity: Breast nudity once, prolonged scene, rear male & female nudity (club dancers)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several times (talk about sex, sensual kissing; computer image with male sex organ; sensuous dancing)

Drugs: Pill-taking by doctor, forced overdose, cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol

Other: Vomiting shown; church secretary exhibits non-Christian behavior; 'religious' artwork sacrilegious; killer quotes Daoist philosophy; gangsters influence jury verdict

Running Time: Unknown
Intended Audience: Adults

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