The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (36) times - Mild 4, Moderate 32
Obscene Language: Many (158) times (f-word 114, s-word 40, other 4)
Profanity: Many (8) times - Regular 6 (GD 4, JC 1, G 1); Exclamatory 1 (Oh my God)
Violence: Many times, graphic (Drive-by shooting, man beaten off-screen/tongue cut out, knife/gun/fist fights, woman kicked to ground, 2 men shot point blank in midsection, man violently beaten in alley, man brutally tortured to a bloody pulp-pool cue used in very obscene way, man found dead in dumpster, mans arm slammed in door/head slammed against windshield)
Sex: Once, graphic (graphic sounds/motions-nudity obscured); Once, implied (man/woman in suggestive position on bed-nudity obscured)
Nudity: Once (female breast silhouette; Near Nudity: Few times (men and women nude during sex but breasts and genitals obscured)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (crude references to sex, references to male/female genitals)
Drugs: Several times (cocaine use and dealing)
Other: Crimelord called 'God,' N-word used by blacks talking to other blacks, good lessons about difficulty of doing whats right under peer pressure
Running Time: 82 minutes
Intended Audience: Older Teens and Adults
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