In Too Deep

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +1 1/2

Content: -4

Jeffrey Cole (Omar Epps) grew up in a crime-ridden black neighborhood known as The Projects. And now hes determined to go back in as undercover Detective Cole to bring down the drug dealing gang which has crippled this black community with corruption, poverty, and addiction. Cole adeptly works his way into the inner ring of the gang and into the very presence of the crimelord called God (LL Cool J). No one has gotten this close and been able to get back out. As Cole gets closer to his target, he begins to lose himself in the role. His loyalty to the department is questioned as he begins to get too caught up in the same evil he hopes to destroy. Will Cole be able to sort out these competing loyalties and bring one of his own brothers to justice? IN TOO DEEP is a fascinating look the perils of undercover police work and the moral dilemmas which accompany that role. But the films dark story and lack of publicity will significantly limit its audience.

Drive-by shootings and bloody point blank killings with knives and guns are the least of the carnage in this graphic inner city film. One man is beaten off-screen and his tongue cut out and thrown at a woman. Women are beaten and thrown to the ground. A man is violently beaten in a back alley and a disloyal member of Gods gang is brutally tortured in the basement in ways that defy description. His bloodied dead body is found the next morning in the dumpster. One scene of sexual intercourse includes graphic sounds and motions, and another scene with Cole and his girlfriend in a suggestive position implies sex. Supposed reflecting real street language, the dialogue is absolutely gutter-level with over 150 obscenities, many crudities, and several profanities. IN TOO DEEP is a startling inner-city commentary about doing whats right in the face of fiercely competing loyalties, but its obvious attempt at shocking viewers goes to obscene and gratuitous extremes.

Preview Reviewer: Cliff McNeely
Miramax Films, 375 Greenwich, NY, NY 10013, (212) 941-3800

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (36) times - Mild 4, Moderate 32

Obscene Language: Many (158) times (f-word 114, s-word 40, other 4)

Profanity: Many (8) times - Regular 6 (GD 4, JC 1, G 1); Exclamatory 1 (Oh my God)

Violence: Many times, graphic (Drive-by shooting, man beaten off-screen/tongue cut out, knife/gun/fist fights, woman kicked to ground, 2 men shot point blank in midsection, man violently beaten in alley, man brutally tortured to a bloody pulp-pool cue used in very obscene way, man found dead in dumpster, mans arm slammed in door/head slammed against windshield)

Sex: Once, graphic (graphic sounds/motions-nudity obscured); Once, implied (man/woman in suggestive position on bed-nudity obscured)

Nudity: Once (female breast silhouette; Near Nudity: Few times (men and women nude during sex but breasts and genitals obscured)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (crude references to sex, references to male/female genitals)

Drugs: Several times (cocaine use and dealing)

Other: Crimelord called 'God,' N-word used by blacks talking to other blacks, good lessons about difficulty of doing whats right under peer pressure

Running Time: 82 minutes
Intended Audience: Older Teens and Adults

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