The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (23) times - Mild 16, moderate 7
Obscene Language: Many (23) times - f-word 11, s-word 11, other 1
Profanity: Many (22) times - Regular 15 (G-d 4, G 5, J/JC/C 6), Exclamatory 7
Violence: Many times, Moderate, Severe and Gory (various bloody body parts shown, blood smeared and splashed on walls, many decapitations, shooting, dog killed, body impaled, falls, woman smashed into door and pushed through glass, man thrown through display glass and impaled on shards, body cut in half, man thrown by explosion, monster on fire explodes)
Sex: None
Nudity: None; near nudity (silhouette of woman in underwear, low-cut party dresses)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Reference to sexual variation, mayor talks about wife's cleavage, monster licks woman's body
Drugs: Several times (alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, marijuana smoking)
Other: Superstitions displayed, evolutionary biology referenced, reference to tribe selling soul to Satan
Running Time: Unknown
Intended Audience: Adults
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