The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (23) times - Mild 5, Moderate 18
Obscene Language: Many (142) times - f-word 89, s-word 50, other 3
Profanity: Several (7) times - Regular 7 (G-d 4, for C's sake 2, J 1), Exclamatory 1
Violence: Several times - Moderate and severe (gunfire with bloody wounds and killings, stabbing, throat slashing, attack with knife, fist fights, beatings, severed ear shown, car chases with vehicular destruction, car crash with immense explosion, runaway cable car causes much damage, man run over by car)
Sex: None
Nudity: Few times, female breast nudity, rear nudity; near nudity with women in bikinis, woman shown in bra
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Passionate kiss, man talks about getting naked on vacation with woman
Drugs: Smoking, wine drinking
Other: Hero is compulsive gambler; racial slur (n-word) used once
Running Time: 117 minutes
Intended Audience: Teens and adults
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