I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
MPAA Rating: R
Entertainment: +2 1/2
Content: -3
Two summers ago, Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and some friends struck a man with their car and hid his body..Last summer, she found out the man wasnt dead when he started killing her friends. The man, Ben Willis (Muse Watson), is back in this sequel and Julie and her boyfriend Ray(Freddie Prince, Jr.) are still on his hit list. After dealing with Ray, Ben traps Julie and some of her friends on a deserted Caribbean Island where they are vacationing. Murder and mayhem ensue as Willis attempts to finish off Julie and her friends. This sequel is well done and will likely find wide appeal among older teenagers and adults who are horror fans.
As might be expected, the film has several scenes of graphic violence. In one scene, Ben, who kills primarily with a hook, stabs a woman and then drags her along behind him on the hook .Other scenes show stabbings extremely close up. In a shower scene, when Julie gets out and puts on a robe, her breasts are visible through the robe. The film portrays underage drinking as normal and acceptable., and a voodoo ceremony supposedly provides protection for some of the characters. Not surprising, the film contain 47 f and s words along with 22 profanities. All this gore and foul language is more than enough to repel discriminating viewers.
Preview Reviewer: John Adair
Distributor: Columbia Pictures, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (26) times - Mild 12, Moderate 14
Obscene Language: Many (53) times (f-word 28, s-word 24, other 1)
Profanity: Many (22) times - Regular 19 (G 7, J 3, JC 2, GD 7); Exclamatory 3 (Swear to God)
Violence: Several times Moderate and Graphic (Men and women stabbed, bloodied dead bodies, men hit in face with objects, man beaten, woman punched, man shot)
Sex: None
Nudity: None; Near Nudity -Several times (Low cut dresses and tops, women in bikinis and undergarments, female breasts seen through wet clothes)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times Moderate (men talk about sex, man grabs woman's rear)
Drugs: Several times (smoking, alcohol, drugs)
Other: Underage drinking and drugs portrayed as normal; Voodoo ritual used for protection
Running Time: 96 minutes
Intended Audience: Teenagers and Adults
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