Good Will Hunting

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +3 1/2

Content: -2

Critics are raving about this original story written by two of the actors, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Damon plays Will Hunting, an emotional cripple and mathematical genius employed as a janitor at prestigious M.I.T. in Boston. Affleck plays Chuckie, his best friend. Will is an arrogant smart aleck who's always on the edge of life, careful not to get close to anyone or take any job that requires commitment. In the deserted halls of the M.I.T. math department, he delights in solving the most difficult problems left on the chalk board by Dr. Jeffrey Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard). When the professor catches Will working the problems, he recognizes the young man's potential. Then Will gets arrested for slugging a policeman, and the professor bails him out on the condition that Will submit to psychotherapy. After four other therapists fail to reach Will, Sean Maguire (Robin Williams) eventually manages to earn Will's trust. GOOD WILL HUNTING is predicted to earn Oscar nominations for both Damon and Williams. But its positive, uplifting story of a few people's faith in a seemingly hopeless young man should be popular with moviegoers as well.

It is indeed a pity that PREVIEW cannot recommend this film, but the endless stream of obscenities and crude language erupting from Will, his street-smart cronies and even the doctor prevent that. Of the 147 obscenities, 112 are f-words and 24 are s-words. As Will learns to open up to others, he falls in love with Skylar, an M.I.T. pre-med student (Minnie Driver). They are shown twice in bed with both sex and nudity implied. In a neighborhood bar, the conversation includes crude and tasteless jokes, much beer drinking and smoking. One of the crudest stories is told by Skylar. The only violence is the altercation that leads to Will's arrest. The friendship that develops between Will and Sean becomes almost like father and son. Sean does not tolerate the young man's arrogance when Will attempts to analyze the therapist's painting as expressing disappointment in his marriage. Chuckie knows Will is wasting his life away and encourages him to use his talent break away from his comfortable "no-commitment" lifestyle. GOOD WILL HUNTING is a potentially great film marred by offensive obscenities, crudities and profanities.

Preview Reviewer: Mary Draughon
Miramax Films, 375 Greenwich, NY, NY 10013

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (24) times--Mild 2, Moderate 22

Obscene Language: Many (147) times (f-word 112, s-word 24, other 11)

Profanity: Several (7) times--Regular 5 (G-d 1, C-sake 1, J-C 1, G- sake 1, J-1), Exclamatory - 1

Violence: Once--Moderate (street fight, policeman hit, bloody noses)

Sex: Implied twice (unmarried couple in bed, nudity implied)

Nudity: None, but implied in brief bedroom scene

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several times (men discuss women in crude way, exchange dirty jokes in bar)

Drugs: Beer drinking and smoking cigarettes

Other: Value of helping people develop their full potential stressed

Running Time: 120 minutes
Intended Audience: Older teenagers and adults

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