
MPAA Rating: G

Entertainment: +2 1/2

Content: +3

Editor's Note: This film is Not Rated by the MPAA.

In 1998, Peter and Paul Lalonde produced an end times drama on video entitled APOCALYPSE which was an instant success. Now, as a sequel to the APOCALYPSE, the Lalonde brothers have produced REVELATION in partnership with the ministries of John Hagee and Jack Van Impe. This fictionalized Biblical end times video story is developed around the dramatic events of the post Rapture world. The antichrist (Nick Mancuso) has proclaimed himself the benevolent supernatural Messiah of the world, but his real intention is to ruthlessly eradicate anyone who opposes him. He is opposed by a group of new underground Christians labeled 'The Haters" , headed by Helen Hannah(Leigh Lewis).Their job is to find out what will happen on the "Day of Wonders" which is planned by the antichrist and prevent it if necessary. But the world government has assigned counter terrorism expert Thorold Stone(Jeff Fahey) to investigate "The Haters" and eliminate them if necessary. He soon begins to question the validity of The Messiah and discovers the reason the Messiah plans to have every one in the world put on a "virtual reality" headgear on The Day of Wonders. REVELATION is one of the most professionally produced and acted Christian fictional dramas in recent years. It is filled with believable suspense, action and even some humor. It cost about $5 million and has the feel of a big budget Hollywood film. The virtual reality theme in the film seems a bit contrived and puzzling, but overall the film should be well received by both Christian and interested secular audiences.

Similar to modern secular films, REVELATION has a rather intense shoot out sequence, resulting in a killing and injuries. In another scene, a believer is shot point blank. Believers are roughed up and both a man and a woman believer are struck by the Messiah's henchman. A computer expert working with Stone (Tony Nappo) and an attractive female engage in some mild sexually suggestive conversations, and even one mild crudity (hell) is spoken. However, the use of these mildly questionable elements seems reasonably acceptable. They do provide realism to the film, but it would be unwise to carry realism much further than this in Christian films. Some persons may object to the many fictional elements in this end times drama, and it could confuse those not familiar with end times scriptures. Hopefully, though, it will motivate viewers to read or re-read the actual Biblical account of the end times events.

Preview Reviewer: John Evans
Prophecy Partners, P.O. Box 1440, Niagra Falls, NY14302

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Once-mild(hell)

Obscene Language: None

Profanity: None

Violence: Several Times-Moderate: (People roughed up and thrown in jail, two men killed or injured in shoot out, man and dog shot at close range, woman and man struck in face, man strikes another, man cuts his chest, man burned up in fiery auto, scenes of property damage)

Sex: None

Nudity: None

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several Times-Mild(man and woman engage in mild suggestive conversations)

Drugs: None

Other: Biblical end times events fictionalized; believers supernaturally survive fiery room; head gear transports people into virtual reality space

Running Time: 97 minutes
Intended Audience: Teenagers and Adults

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