The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (12) times – mild (hell 10, damn 2)
Obscene Language: None
Profanity: Several (5) times – moderate (G 5)
Violence: Many times – moderate (much fighting and hand-to-hand combat, a man uses a sword to kill several victims, a long fight in a bar, hundreds of creatures attack and are shot with automatic weapons, a ship crashes, a man is impaled, long fight between two men using sharp objects, a man is impaled in the leg with large hook)
Sex: Few times – mild (couple kiss passionately and fall down out of camera’s view)
Nudity: Few times – mild (man without shirt few times, women is shown briefly in underwear)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times – mild (woman has new will to live when she discovers a man would like to have sex with her)
Drugs: Few times – mild (a needle is in girl’s head during a medical procedure)
Other: Girl possesses supernatural powers, images of dead bodies in multiple levels of decay, several references to God (preacher says, “I don’t care what you believe. Just believe”; girl prays for God to turn her into stone; mans says, “I believe in a world without sin, but I cannot go there because I am evil”
Running Time: 119 minutes
Intended Audience: Teens and Up
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