The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (7) times – mild (hell 1, damn 2); strong (b-tch 4)
Obscene Language: Many (11+) times – strong (f-word 10+, other (b-lls 1)
Profanity: Few (2) times – strong (JC 2)
Violence: Many times – mild (flashbacks to fighting, struggles between a boy and police); moderate (men beat up a man they’ve capture; men brandish guns at men; men, women and children attacked by rebels; gang beats up a man); strong (women’s dead body shown in a morgue, images of a dead man and woman murdered in a car, unclothed dead body hangs from a tree, man commits suicide, images of dead bodies in a grave, images of dead villagers after rebel attack)
Sex: Many times – mild (man and woman kiss, flashbacks of man and woman kissing); moderate (man and woman in bed together kissing, flashbacks of man and woman in bed together); strong (man and woman in a bathroom and in bed with nudity and sex and flashbacks of the same)
Nudity: Several times – moderate (woman’s nude body shown from behind, woman’s breasts, pregnant woman’s stomach and breasts, man’s chest and lower back)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times – mild (man propositions a woman to have sex with him twice, woman agrees to have sex with man in exchange for information, talk of woman and children being raped by rebels)
Drugs: Few times – mild (people drinking alcohol at a social gathering)
Other: Several disturbing images of people sick or dying in hospitals and homes
Running Time: 129 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults
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