The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (13) mild (hell 2, damn 6); strong (-ss 2, b-tch 1, sl-t 2)
Obscene Language: Many (10) strong (f-word 1, s-word 6, finger gesture 3)
Profanity: Many (18) moderate (MG 12, G 4); strong (J 2)
Violence: Many mild (two women argue as they hit each other; slapping, shoving and pushing); moderate (a woman is hit over the head with a frying pan, a womans face is bashed into a cake several times)
Sex: Few mild (an unmarried man and woman live together, a man and woman snuggle together on sofa)
Nudity: Several mild (women shown in low-cut blouses several times, a woman shown in her slip, a woman shown with her dress tucked up, a woman shown in bathtub with bubbles covering all but her head and shoulders)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many mild (sexual innuendo many times; while serving hors doeuvres of fish rolled into balls, someone says, Im not into fish genitalia; a dog is shown mating with another dog; a man and woman speak of taking a shower together and later speak of taking a bath together; a woman says, Hes practically fornicating her; a woman says, I think you dislocated my vagina)
Drugs: Several mild (a woman is shown drinking, or desiring, an alcoholic drink; a woman drinks a bottle of Nyquil; a woman is given sleeping pills)
Other: Several references to eastern ideology: tarot cards, karma, horoscope, Dali Llama
Running Time: 95 minutes
Intended Audience: Young Adults and Up
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