The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (27) times mild (hell 2, damn 10); strong (-ss 9, b-tch 5, SOB 1)
Obscene Language: Many (21) times strong (f-word 1, s-word 20, )
Profanity: Few (3) times moderate (G 1); strong (GD 2)
Violence: Several times mild (pushing and shoving on basketball court, man pushes boy against wall, brick thrown through window); moderate (boy is shot by a gun)
Sex: Few times mild (kissing and hugging, dirty dancing with a lot of rubbing and sexual dance moves)
Nudity: Several times mild (boys in locker room shown in underwear and towels, boys in shower seen from waist up, boys and girls strip down to underwear and go swimming); moderate (uncovered buttocks)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times mild (girl shows boy thong underwear and asks him if he wants to see her in it, unmarried girl gets pregnant and says she had an abortion)
Drugs: Several times mild (alcohol use by minors); moderate (teens get drunk at party, implied sale of illegal drugs when money passes hands)
Other: 5 occurrences of the n-word
Running Time: 130 minutes
Intended Audience: Older teens and Adults
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