Safe Men
MPAA Rating: R
Entertainment: +1 1/2
Content: -2
SAFE MEN is a off-beat comedy that wants to go somewhere but doesn't quite make it. The story is told from Sam's (Sam Rockwell) viewpoint. He and his friend Eddie (Steve Zahn) are singer wannabes, but the best they've done in five years is the Polish Supper Club. Mistaken for two safecrackers, they are picked up in a bar by Veal Chop (Paul Giametti) who works for Big Bernie Gayle (Michael Lerner). Bernie is a Jewish gangster who wants to give a special gift to his son after his Bar Mitzvah. But the gift is in the safe of a Jewish dealer in stolen goods, the other Jewish gangster in town. Complicating the situation, Sam is dating the dealer's daughter, Hannah (Christina Kirk). Hannah recently broke up with one of the real safe men. While there are several humorous moments and the potential for more, SAFE MEN stays low key and never delivers the belly laughs possible in this mistaken identity caper.
Part of the humor is having the gangsters as Jewish men, instead of the typical Italian heritage. However, many of the famous gangsters, such as Bugsy Siegal and Dutch Schulz, were Jewish. The Jewish heritage and rituals are treated respectfully. At the son's Bar Mitzvah in the synagogue, he reads from the Torah and recites the Jewish creed, the Shema. But the film is filled with foul language, including 48 f- and s-words, 11 moderate crudities and God's name used in vain 6 times. There's no sex but some of the comments are sexually graphic and reference is made to Hannah sleeping with her boyfriends. Although no openly gay activity is shown, the men act effeminate. There are also comments about Sam wearing a padded buttocks enhancer. The foul language is the biggest drawback and makes SAFE MEN a film to avoid.
Preview Reviewer: Paul Bicking
Distributor: October Films
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (13) times - Mild 1, moderate 12
Obscene Language: Many (56) times - F 34, S 14, other 8
Profanity: Several (6) times - all regular (GD 3, J/C 2, Swear to God)
Violence: Few times - mild (implied hit w/crowbar, slaps, shoves, gun threat, woman punches man, woman burning off screen implied by flames)
Sex: None
Nudity: Near nudity once (man shown in underwear)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several times - slang references to sex act and male genitals, sensual kissing, references to man wearing padded buttocks enhancer
Drugs: Cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking in bar
Other: ewish Bar Mitzvah shown respectfully, boy reads from Torah and recites Jewish Shema (Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is One)
Running Time: 89 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults
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