The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (15) times mild (hell 1, damn 3); moderate (bastard 1, tits 1, boobs 1, other 1); strong (ass 7)
Obscene Language: Several (9) times mild (other 1); strong (s-word 5, finger gesture 2, other 1)
Profanity: Few (3) times moderate (OMG 3)
Violence: Several mild (man attacks another man and is subdued immediately, man is threatened with meat cleaver); moderate (woman hits man several times with bat, woman hits man with other sports equipment, women throws objects at man)
Sex: Once mild (man touches womans breast briefly)
Nudity: Few mild (woman seen briefly in sheer, wet top); moderate (mans rear end shown briefly)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many mild (references to the size of a walruss sexual organ, food used to describe sexual organs, man tells children to go to sea bottom to recover his balls after doing belly flop); moderate (man pantomimes sex act, many occurrences of sexual innuendo and homosexual jokes)
Drugs: Few times mild (beer and alcohol drinking, implied steroid abuse by man, person has impaired speech); moderate (marijuana smoking)
Other: None
Running Time: 100 minutes
Intended Audience: Teenagers and adults
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