MPAA Rating: PG-13
Entertainment: +1
Content: -2 1/2
In this high-speed and nearly nonstop action adventure film, veteran biker Cary Ford (Martin Henderson) sees some motorcycles that he likes and takes them. He cant resist a fast bike. The problem is that these bikes are loaded with drugs that belong to Henry (Matt Schulze), the nasty leader of a biker gang called the Hellions. In order to get his property back, Henry kills the brother of the leader (Ice Cube) of another bike gang called the Machine, the most notorious and feared gang in the country. He then frames Ford for the murder. While running for his life from the gangs and the FBI, Ford has to clear his name and prove to the authorities the identity of the real killer. With the aid of a couple close friends and a feisty ex-girlfriend (Monet Mazur), the chase begins.
You can park your brain at the door for this one, which starts with a chase scene, ends with a chase scene and in the middle you guessed it more chase scenes with tough-looking guys growling and snarling at each other. In the brief moments when there is no racing action, someone is trying to kill somebody. The women, with skimpy outfits, black makeup and body piercings in painful-looking places, are as tough as the men. The movie lacks a good guy; the hero is a thief, and the cops are corrupt. For a PG-13, the language couldnt be worse. Even the quality of the special effects is poor with several action sequences appearing animated as in computer games. Due to bad language, violence (including fairly gruesome fight scenes), sensual content, drug content, and bad morals in general, this movie is not recommended by Preview.
Preview Reviewer: Alan Boyer
Distributor: Warner Brothers
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (18) times mild (hell 2, damn 2); strong (ass 8, bitch 5, SOB 1)
Obscene Language: Several (8) times strong (s-word 7, finger gesture 1)
Profanity: Several (6) times moderate (OMG 1); strong (GD 2, J 1, JC 2)
Violence: Several times moderate (fistfights, man fighting with chain, man hits man in groin with crowbar, fight with a knife)
Sex: None
Nudity: Several times mild (women in low-cut tops, women in skimpy bikinis, dress blows up revealing thong underwear, women in tight outfits); moderate (women in wet t-shirts)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: None
Drugs: Few mild (alcohol drinking, drugs are stolen and usage is implied)
Other: Large group of men urinating, seen from behind; n-word used once
Running Time: 96 minutes
Intended Audience: teens and adults.
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