One Special Night

MPAA Rating: PG

Entertainment: +2

Content: +3

Editor's Note:This film is Not Rated by the MPAA. The PG rating listed above is based upon this film's summary information

In this holiday drama, James Garner and Julie Andrews co-star again after Victor/Victoria (1982) and The Americanization of Emily (1964). Robert (Garner) is a builder who has been spending a lot of time at the hospital, where his wife is fading from three heart attacks and Alzheimers. On a snowy, stormy night before Thanksgiving when His two daughters (Patricia Charbonneau and Stacy Grant) are there with him, their mother fails to recognize them and erupts into a screaming fit. The daughters drive home while Robert stays a little longer to look after his wife. He finally gets up to go home, begins calling to get a cab, but none will come because of the nasty weather. Enter Katherine (Andrews), a local pediatric cardiologist who likes to visit the hospital and finds comfort sitting in the room where her husband died several years before. She overhears Robert on the phone and offers to give him a lift home in her sports car, which ends up stuck in a snow drift. They make their way to a nearby, abandoned cabin where they are forced to spend the night. As they are huddled in the cabin talking, they get to know each other and are drawn to each other.

Screenwriter Nancy Silvers and director Roger Young deliver a sweet love story in this poignant holiday film. There is no violence or nudity, but there are a few obscene words. This movie is highly recommended for the family.

Preview Reviewer: Lynn Nusser
MTI Home Video

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Several (6) damn (3), hell (3)

Obscene Language: None

Profanity: None

Violence: None

Sex: None

Nudity: None

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: None

Drugs: None

Other: None

Running Time: Unknown
Intended Audience: Family

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