Jonah A VeggieTales Movie
MPAA Rating: G
Entertainment: +2 1/2
Content: +4
Already one of the best-selling video series for kids, the VeggieTale bunch take off on their first feature-length adventure on the big screen. On a dark and stormy night, well, at least sort of dark, Bob the Tomato and some Veggie kids stumble through the woods when their Veggie van breaks down on the way to a concert. The only place that seems to be open is the seemingly deserted seafood restaurant where they meet Larry the Cucumber and the lazy Pirates Who Dont Do Anything. As they wait for the repair truck, the pirates share the strangest fish story they know, about Jonah. Along time ago, when Jonah gets a message from God to deliver to Nineveh, he doesnt want to go. The Ninevites are bad people who even slap other people with fish. So Jonah hops the pirates ship going away from Nineveh and meets up with Khalil, a carpet-selling caterpillar. But things get bad for the ship, so Jonah goes overboard and gets swallowed by a whale. Inside the whale, Jonah meets another character, but ends up in Nineveh with his pirate friends for a fun-filled and surprising showdown as he finally delivers his message. Not only fun for the whole family, JONAH A VEGGIETALE MOVIE also teaches lessons about compassion and mercy.
Youngsters used to the shorter videos may get restless with the longer version, but most should be able to stick with it. Witty wordplay, some lively musical numbers, references to pop culture and old movies will keep the adults laughing right along with the younger audience that likes the silly songs and slapstick action. While in the whale, Jonah is visited by a choir of angels singing about the God of second chances. And although earlier blaming her for causing their problems, Junior Asparagus offers his concert ticket to a girl who lost hers. But his act is rewarded by special passes for them all. There are a few tense moments that may upset very young children, like when Jonah faces the whale but, like youve always been told, Veggies are good for you.
Preview Reviewer: Paul Bicking
Distributor: Big Idea Productions and Artisan Entertainment, 2700 Colorado Ave., 2nd Flr., Santa Monica, CA 90404
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: None
Obscene Language: None
Profanity: None
Violence: Many times Moderate, mostly cartoon slapstick (Driver hit by guitar several times, van careens on road, threat to small animals, tomato character stuck by porcupine, characters slap others w/ fish, fire burns up city in dream commentary, characters chased by boat motor, whale swallows character, cannon fired, threat of hit by large spiked board)
Sex: None
Nudity: None
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: None
Drugs: None
Other: Comical adaptation of Bible story, angel choir sings about God of second chances, town worships great fish, kids learn about compassion and mercy through story, sacrifice leads to greater reward
Running Time: 77 minutes
Intended Audience: All ages
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