Sorority Boys

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +1 1/2

Content: -3 1/2

When three upperclassmen are unjustly thrown out of their Kappa Omicron Kappa fraternity for stealing money, they decide to prove their innocence. To accomplish this, they need to get back into the house and retrieve a videotape that caught all the action. Doofer/Roberta (Harland Williams) comes up with the idea of posing as women to get into the house and have free reign once inside. However, the three find the retrieval much harder than planned. Pursued by an ex-fraternity brother, who desperately propositions him (disguised as Adina), Adam/Adina (Michael Rosenbaum) cant get a moment alone to retrieve the tape. After getting thrown out of the fraternity party, the three have to regroup and find a place to stay. Still disguised as women, they join the Delta Omicron Gamma (DOG) sorority house with all of the other ugly girls on campus. Not only do they have to keep their disguises on in front of their new sorority sisters, but also come up with a new plan to get the tape. And living with the girls is even harder when Dave/Daisy (Barry Watson) falls for Leah (Melissa Sagemiller), head of the DOG sorority. SORORITY BOYS has occasionally funny moments, but it ends up being just another in a long line of disappointing, college sex and gross-out comedies.

Men in drag have been a comedy staple for decades, perhaps centuries, since Shakespeare even put it in a few plays, and is not necessarily indications of homosexuality. And in this case, provides ample opportunity for the boys to learn how the other-half lives. Contrary to the label, the women of the DOG house are certainly not ugly, although most of them have odd quirks that set them apart from the rest of the cookie-cutter, sex-crazed, stereotyped sorority girls. But the movie spends ample time making fun of their quirkiness. However, in the end, the filmmakers try to make audiences believe that they truly admire the DOGs and they have positive traits. This makes the ending somewhat hard to believe, since the director tells us to like these girls after he has just roasted them for 90 minutes. As might be expected from the college setting and comedy premise, the film is filled to the brim with sexually suggestive and explicit content that includes repeated innuendos, sex scenes on videotape, and several instances of nudity. Add excessive foul language to this mixer and SORORITY BOYS earns a strong failing grade.

Preview Reviewer: John Adair
Buena Vista (Touchstone/Disney), 500 S. Buena Vista, Burbank, CA 91521

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (20) times - Mild 1, moderate 19

Obscene Language: Many (30) times - F-word 17, s-word 7, other 6

Profanity: Many (15) times Regular 8 (G 3, GD 3, J 2); Exclamatory 7 (OMG, OG, MG)

Violence: Several times Moderate (woman falls from window, man pushed around, man trips, man slapped, kicking and punching during football game)

Sex: Few times Graphic (two brief glimpses of action on videotapes w/female nudity)

Nudity: Several times (Female breast/ rear in sex tapes, male rear nudity during fraternity ceremony/ in bathroom, female breast many times in pictures/ magazine/ shower/ wet t-shirt); Near Nudity Several times (cleavage emphasized, short skirts)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times (guy told to go have sex, bizarre ritual planned involving hamsters and Crisco, joke about liking bondage, various names of people and groups are innuendoes, sex toys thrown into sorority house, photo shows mans crotch grabbed, picture of male genitals drawn on mans stomach, nude man watches sex tape no explicit nudity, comment about size of genitals, offers of unconventional sex, mans arousal in shower covered by bubbles, man propositions woman, joke about couple touching in shower, guy made to eat sex toy, comments about proficiency at unconventional sex)

Drugs: Few times (alcohol, marijuana smoked)

Other: Guys wear womens clothing to disguise themselves for most of the movie; women without perfect looks are made fun of throughout, men learn to appreciate women

Running Time: 94 minutes
Intended Audience: Older teens and young adults

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