Rugrats in Paris - The Movie
MPAA Rating: G
Entertainment: +3
Content: +3
This sequel to the very popular animated film, RUGRATS - THE MOVIE released in 1998, is another fun, frantic, action-packed adventure for kids, and parents too. It stars all the lovable Rugrat characters including the Rugrats leader, one-year-old Tommy Pickles, Tommys new baby brother Dill, two-year-old scaredycat Chucky Finster, Chuckys 3-year-old outspoken cousin Angelica, and Chuckys next door neighbors, twin babies Phil and Dil DeVille. When Tommys father, Stu Pickles, is called to France to fix a mechanical dinosaur he designed, the whole crew of Rugrats and their parents are invited along. This leads to a grand adventure in Paris. The adventure starts at a new amusement park, called Euro-Reptarland, where the kids experience exciting rides and fun stage shows. Then their adventures take them to the Eiffel Tower, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, and a wild ride through the streets of Paris on a runaway robot dinosaur. But Chucky is disappointed when his widowed dad is attracted to the loud-talking, aggressive French manager of the park, Coco Labouche (voiced by Susan Sarandon), who wants to marry his dad but hates children. The constant action and loud music make for a frantic, fast-moving experience which children under 12 are likely to find great fun.
Like its predecessor, this Rugrats film is virtually free of foul language, excessive violence and sexual content. It does have some comical quips about nose boogers, baby poop and a baby wetting its pants. And questionable comic scenes include a dog urinating on a wall and the babies passing gas. Theres plenty of prat-falls, tussles, threatening chases, cake throwing fights, and massive property destruction when the dinosaur goes on its rampage. But none of these seem excessive or exploitive. Chucky is frightened by a bad dream with some scary monsters and the scene could disturb very young or sensitive children. In one slightly suggestive scene, a womans dress is torn off, exposing her underwear. But the babies are loved and cared for by their parents, and Chuckys father assures him that his mother is probably in heaven. The frantic pace of this film may partially explain why young children act so hyper these days. Still, RUGRATS IN PARIS - THE MOVIE is among the better films for children this year.
Preview Reviewer: John Evans
Distributor: Nickelodeon & Paramount Pictures, 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: None
Obscene Language: None
Profanity: None
Violence: Many times Mild to Moderate (Kids tussle and fall over each other, scary amusement rides with frightening monsters, property destruction, people run for safety, robot monsters battle, people throw objects at monsters, threatening chase scenes, cake throwing fight)
Sex: None
Nudity: None; Near nudity Once (partially torn dress reveals womans underwear)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: None
Drugs: None
Other: Slang term Jeez used, humorous references to nose boogers/ wetting pants/ baby excretion, reference to mother being heaven, comical incidents of passing gas and baby scratching his bottom
Running Time: 78 minutes
Intended Audience: Pre-teens
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