Jersey Girl (1993)
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Entertainment: +3
Content: -1 1/2
JERSEY GIRL is a story with a familiar ring, that of a young woman in search of her ideal man. Looking and feeling totally out of place, Toby (Jami Gertz) from northern New Jersey finds Sal (Dylan McDermott) at a Mercedes Benz car dealership. He is the epitome of Manhattan sophistication, and she is the opposite, with skimpy dress and exaggerated New Jersey dialect. They have an on-again, off-again romance, depending on whether he listens to his heart or to the negative comments of his co-workers and ex-girlfriend. Toby spends many evenings at the local diner with her New Jersey girlfriends, but she is reluctant to have Sal meet them. Sal shows up unexpectedly and meets Toby's father, who quizzes Sal about his values and his treatment of Toby. Sal takes Toby to many classy events, including the New York City Mayor's ball. However, there is always the gnawing difference between their life styles and values. Finally Sal, who is from working-class Queens, gets in touch with his true values. While the plot is predictable, the film entertains with humor and enthusiasm.
JERSEY GIRL sometimes embraces the traditional values of family and self-worth. Toby proudly wears the tasteless dress her father buys her for the Mayor's ball. Sal, too, demonstrates character when he refuses to go along with his boss's shoddy business practices. Toby and her girlfriends spend much of their time discussing sex, using fairly graphic language. Toby and Sal become sexually involved and intercourse is implied in two bedroom scenes with rear male nudity shown once. Unfortunately, the dialogue includes several regular profanities, crudities and obscenities, including the f-word once and the s-word 5 times. Except for a car bashing, which is not gratuitous, there is no violence. The premarital sex and objectionable language give a negative rating to an upbeat, fun film.
Preview Reviewer: Alice Anderson
Distributor: Triumph Releasing Co., 711 5th Ave., NY, NY 10022
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (8) times - Mild 4; Moderate 4
Obscene Language: Several (8) times (f-word 1; s-word 5; other 2)
Profanity: Several (9) times - Regular 6; exclamatory 3
Violence: Once - Moderate (car bashing)
Sex: Implied twice
Nudity: Once - rear male nudity
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times - comments about intercourse; revealing dresses
Drugs: One time - alcohol drinking
Other: None
Running Time:
Intended Audience:
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