Two Family House

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +3

Content: -3

The world is full of dreamers, but only a few ever have the opportunity to realize their dreams. Buddy Visalo (Michael Rispoli) dreams big dreams. Growing up, and later in the Navy, Buddy dreamed of being a singer. After returning from the war to his fiance, she said no singing, so he sacrificed that dream. But he doesnt stop dreaming, and turns his attention to starting his own business. After ten years and several failed ventures, even his wife gives up on him. But Buddy presses on and buys an old, dilapidated, two-story house to use for his residence, and turn the downstairs into a neighborhood tavern. After buying the house, Buddy finds the tenant, Mary (Kelly MacDonald), who was supposed to move out, could not. She just gave birth and her husband just left her. However, while this poses a problem for Buddy at first, the relationship that develops with Mary eventually encourages him to pursue his dream. TWO FAMILY HOUSE is a sweet story with some solid acting and a likable lead character in Buddy. However, limited distribution could make finding audiences difficult.

The Bronx district of the 1950s is generally portrayed as a tough place to grow up in, with segregated neighborhoods and strictly defined social roles. The image is also carried in this film, as both the Italians and the Irish in the film have some racist attitudes. However, Buddy has a soft spot for anybody struggling to make it in life, which eventually allows him to develop significant relationships with people of different backgrounds. Buddys wife is his complete opposite, neither concerned about the plight of anyone outside her own small circle of friends and family nor supportive of his dreams. Although graphic, a scene of Buddy and his wife having sex is brief and without nudity. Foul language occurs frequently with over forty obscenities, numerous crude terms and many regular profanities. The negative content should lock many viewers out of TWO FAMILY HOUSE.

Preview Reviewer: John Adair
Lions Gate Films, 5750 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 501, LA, CA 90036

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (29) times - Mild 18, moderate 11

Obscene Language: Many (41) times - F-word 30, s-word 5, other 6

Profanity: Many (30) times - Regular 16 (GD 3, C 3, J 5, For G sake 2, For C sake 1, Swear to C 1, Swear to G 1); Exclamatory 14 (OG, OMG, MG)

Violence: None

Sex: Twice Implied and graphic (Implied adultery, married couple in bedroom briefly - no nudity)

Nudity: None

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (man propositions woman, woman comments on lack of enjoyment in sex)

Drugs: Many times (smoking, alcohol)

Other: Man urinates; childbirth scene - not graphic; ethnic slurs for black characters, Italians, and Irish used; woman not supportive of husband

Running Time: 104 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults

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