Me and the Kid
MPAA Rating: PG
Entertainment: +2
Content: -1/2
Two bungling thieves, Harry (Danny Aiello) and Roy (Joe Pantoliano), pose as laundrymen to rob a mansion. Their plan turns sour when the safe is empty and they are interrupted by Gary (Alex Zuckerman), the child of the house. Desperate, Roy kidnaps the kid for ransom. Gary is an unfortunate child privately tutored whose parents are seldom home. Harry begins to feel protective of him. As the FBI moves in, Roy wants to kill the kid to protect their identities. Harry and Gary escape with the ransom money and are chased by both the FBI and an enraged, vengeful Roy. As they set out for Mexico, their getaway car breaks down, and Harry and the kid find themselves stranded at a small carnival ground. While they never reach Mexico, Gary finds the father figure he needs in Harry. A predictable rehash of a familiar plot, ME AND THE KID is not especially memorable. It may appeal to children, although the appropriateness of some content seems questionable.
The importance of a strong father-figure is a needed message for our society. Unfortunately, this theme is not executed with moral consistency. Harry saving Gary from Roy is noble; however, kidnapping Gary is also portrayed as noble because through it Harry "rescued" Gary from his stupid parents. Also, the backdrop of the "good-hearted" thief is questionable. During their journey, Harry steals cars, robs a pawn shop and goes on a shopping spree with the ransom money. There are also several scenes with guns pointed and fired at people, including at young Gary. The scenes with the drunken, enraged Roy are intense and inappropriate for children. After knowing each other for one day, a mysterious relationship develops between Harry and Rose, the carnival owner, with heavy kissing on screen and implied intercourse between them. ME AND THE KID is a disappointing film with many mixed messages concerning morality.
Preview Reviewer: Krista Kay Bontrager
Distributor: Orion Pictures, 304 Park Avenue South, NY, NY 10010
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (7) times - Mild 4; Moderate 3
Obscene Language: None
Profanity: Several (5) times - Regular 4; Exclamatory 1
Violence: Several times - Moderate (shootings; no serious injuries)
Sex: Implied once
Nudity: None
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (twice by child)
Drugs: Few times (drinking hard liquor, treated neutrally)
Other: Stealing cars, a shopping spree with stolen money, robbery and kidnapping condoned
Running Time:
Intended Audience:
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