Grumpy Old Men
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Entertainment: +3 1/2
Content: -1 1/2
Two childhood friends turned rivals are now retired, but still playing tricks on each other. Max Goldman (Walter Matthau) accuses John Gustafson (Jack Lemmon) of having stolen and married his girl friend. The old rivalries erupt again when a gorgeous college teacher, Ariel Truax (Ann-Margret), moves into the neighborhood. A live-wire from Berkeley, she contrasts sharply with the inhabitants of this wintery Minnesota town. Ariel brings her California style to the neighborhood, as she flies out of her spa in a snowstorm, clad only in a leotard, shocking the ever-watchful neighbors. But she also brings new life to the old men. As the competition for her affection intensifies, so do the plots and schemes by the two "grumpy old men." In one hilarious scene John thinks an earthquake has hit his ice-fishing shanty, only to find Max in his 4-wheel truck pushing the shanty toward thin ice. It takes a near tragedy to bring them back together. Lemmon and Matthau are cast superbly, naturals for the roles. This movie combines tender, poignant moments with rollicking comedy.
GRUMPY OLD MEN is a heartwarming story of two men who learn to bury the hatchet of revenge and envy after nearly a half-century of bitterness. It illustrates that growing old has some advantages - like having the freedom to be childish and grumpy and not worrying about what others think. Unfortunately, this PG-13 movie carries with it the foul language found in movies of this rating, including incessant crude expressions and slang terms for genitals and other body parts. The dialogue becomes sexually oriented on occasion, and Max and John, along with John's 94-year-old father, make many humorous references to sexual activity and anatomy. While visiting in John's home, Arial goes into his bedroom, beckoning him to follow. The door closes, implying that they have sex. Frequent drinking and smoking are treated neutrally, but there is no drunkenness. Except for some pushing and shoving, violence is is non-existent. It's too bad that the foul language and sexual humor mar such a humorous, heartwarming movie.
Preview Reviewer: Alice Anderson
Distributor: Warner Brothers, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Many (56) times; Mild 42; moderate 14
Obscene Language: Many (33) times - S-word 4, other 29
Profanity: Several (6) times - Regular 1; Exclamatory 5
Violence: Once - Mild (pushing and shoving)
Sex: Implied once off-screen
Nudity: None
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many humorous references to intercourse
Drugs: Many times (social drinking; cigarette smoking)
Other: None
Running Time:
Intended Audience: Older teens and adults
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