Desperate Measures

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +3

Content: -2

This adventure thriller stars Michael Keaton as an imprisoned homicidal sociopathic killer who agrees to contribute bone marrow to the dying son of a San Francisco police officer played by Andy Garcia. But Keaton makes a daring escape while laying on the surgery table just before the operation and Andy and the police go after him in a desperate, bloody chase. Andy, the police officer, finds himself trying to capture Michael, but he must take him alive for his bone marrow to be useful. Many persons are killed or wounded from gun fire, explosions and accidents, and much property is destroyed through car chases, explosions, and gun fire. This action packed drama will keep audiences on the edge of their seats throughout the entire performance and will particularly appeal to mature action fans.

DESPERATE MEASURES is rated R for its intense shootings, killings, threats and many f- and s- words. In our opinion, the violence is not excessive for an adult audience and is a legitimate part of the drama. It does not seem to appeal to prurient interests or exploit violence just to entertain. But the many f- and s- words are raw, offensive and startling. So, we cannot recommend the film because of its gratuitous foul language. However, no sexual affairs or significant suggestive dialogue is included. Also, it commendably portrays a father who is willing to risk his life to save his dying son.

Preview Reviewer: John Evans
Sony Pictures Entertainment, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Several(8) Times - Mild 3, Moderate 5

Obscene Language: Many (20) Times (F-word 14, S-word 5, Other 1)

Profanity: Once-Regular(J)

Violence: Almost Continuous - Moderate and Severe (Many gun and shooting threats, knife to throat threats, several persons shot and killed or wounded, people set on fire, striking persons with fist or hard objects, blow up walkway bridge and other property in hospital, cars crashed, explosions, destroy other property)

Sex: None

Nudity: None

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Once (Crude reference to oral sex)

Drugs: Prisoner uses stolen drug to counteract anesthesia

Other: Man fights and risks his life to save his son. But also recklessly risks lives of others.

Running Time: Unknown
Intended Audience: Adults

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