Blues Brothers 2000
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Entertainment: +3 1/2
Content: -2
This sequel to the 1980 BLUES BROTHERS finds Elwood Blues (Dan Akroyd) leaving prison penniless. He first visits Sister Mary (Kathleen Freeman), a stern no-nonsense nun who ran the orphanage where Elwood grew up. She tells Elwood about Cabel Chamberlain (Joe Morton) whose illegitimacy makes him almost a half-brother and a possible source of help. The cantankerous nun also insists Elwood mentor an incorrigible orphan, 10 year old Buster (J. Evan Bonifant). Cabel turns out to be a high-ranking law enforcement officer who threatens to send Elwood back to jail, while Buster proves to be a perfect partner for Elwood, both con artists. As Elwood, Buster and their new partner Mighty Mack (John Goodman) travel through the heart of America, they pick up members of Elwood's old band. The fun never stops as state police from three states and Russian thugs chase the motley rhythm and blues crew from Illinois to Louisiana. Foot- stomping, hand-clapping musical numbers showcase, among others, James Brown and Aretha Franklin. BLUES BROTHERS 2000 is 50% musical comedy and 50% action--a real crowd pleaser.
Not so pleasing, however, is the film's disrespect for authority figures and religion. Scores of dim-witted police chase the Blues Brothers as though they were serial killers. Also ridiculed is Sister Mary, who shows no compassion and hits Elwood several times with a rod whenever he curses. A portrait of Christ with a sad, sappy expression on his face elicits a sarcastic remark from Elwood. The phrase, "the Lord works in mysterious ways," is spoken when the con artists score another victory over the authorities. At a tent revival a parody of a "religious" conversion makes fun of charismatic services. All this is part of the film's humor and is not meant to be taken seriously, but it makes fun of spiritual matters. A building set on fire and many car chases, some with gunfire, produce no injuries and are just part of the action. But offensive language plays a significant role in the film's dialogue with 11 obscenities, some from the little boy, and a few profanities. Although there is no sex, exotic dancers dressed in brief costumes revealing rear nudity perform suggestively in a bar. Why can't Hollywood make a musical without these crude embellishments?
Preview Reviewer: Mary Draughon
Distributor: Universal Pictures, 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (6) times - Mild 4, Moderate 2
Obscene Language: Many (11) times - s-word 9, other 2
Profanity: Few (3) times - Regular 2 (G-d, C-sake), Exclamatory 1
Violence: Many times - Moderate (building burned down, dozens of police cars demolished in pileup, man hit hard with rod by nun, gunfire, police chases)
Sex: None
Nudity: Few times (female rear nudity); near nudity (much cleavage)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Exotic dancers in bar perform sensual numbers
Drugs: Few times (drunkenness once; alcohol drinking few times)
Other: Voodoo witch changes men into zombies, others into rats; religion ridiculed
Running Time: 125 minutes
Intended Audience: Teenagers and Adults
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