MPAA Rating: PG
Entertainment: +3
Content: -1/2
This laugh-out-loud slapstick comedy stars Sinbad, a stand-up comedian, as a man on the run from two thugs. He owes them loan money he's spent on various get-rich-quick schemes. He manages to evade them by posing as the dentist friend of a well-to-do lawyer who hasn't seen his friend in 25 years. He's whisked away to the luxurious home of the lawyer, Gary Young (Phil Hartman), where he spends several hilarious days with Gary's family and affluent friends. To keep up his disguise, he ad libs through a presentation at the dentist's old high school alma mater and later turns a sophisticated wine tasting party into a drunken dancing spree. With the thugs on his trail, he races some of Gary's friends through a frantic, slapstick golf game and fools some dentists who insist he perform dental surgery on a patient. Even more difficult, Sinbad must become a vegetarian to match the character of the dentist he represents. In one desperate, hilarious scene he grabs a hamburger from Gary and devours it. Sinbad is such a fun, down-to-earth guy that every one likes him, although some question his validity. This frantic comedy moves along so fast it's easy to miss some of the comical quips and incidents. But audiences will leave the theatre smiling.
Before it's all over, this wacky comedy has some very positive things to say about friendship, love, being one's self and good family relationships. Sinbad helps Gary's daughter solve some of her parent and boyfriend problems, and helps Gary's son build self esteem, particularly on the basketball court. He himself concludes that friendship is more important than money and Gary decides to give his family more love and attention. All these messages come across in Sinbad's comic style which makes them more palatable. However, some obscenities and a profanity are thrown in with the comedy. Also, a comical, sexually oriented conversation on the golf course is particularly offensive. But actual sexual content and nudity are not present. Injuries are exploited for laughs when the thugs beat up on several people and are themselves injured. And drunkenness is portrayed as great fun. HOUSEGUEST is one of those crazy, slapstick films you would like to recommend to youth for its laughs, but it has just enough objectionable elements to prevent us from doing so.
Preview Reviewer: John Evans
Distributor: Buena Vista Distribution Co., 3900 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, CA 91521
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (7) times - Mild 6, Moderate 1
Obscene Language: Several (9) times (no f- or s-words)
Profanity: Few (3) times - Regular 1 (G-d), Exclamatory 2
Violence: Many times - Moderate (striking with fist, hit over head with chair, injuries from falling, shut door on fingers,people knocked over, ice cream smeared on face, car crashes, rough treatment)
Sex: None
Nudity: None
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Once-prolonged comical conversation relating to genitals and intercourse
Drugs: Once (wine drinking party with drunkenness; dog gets drunk)
Other: Comical remark about Jehovah Witness; positive messages about friendship, love, being one's self, self esteem, loving one's family)
Running Time:
Intended Audience: 10 and older
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