MPAA Rating: R
Entertainment: +3
Content: -3
Box office favorites, Michael Douglas and Demi Moore, co-star in this steamy adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel. Bob Sanders (Douglas) is a happily married computer manufacturer executive. Hardworking and popular among his co-workers, Bob fully expects a big promotion on the eve of a company merger. Unfortunately, however, corporate deceit, back-stabbing and greed shatter Bob's hopes and almost destroy his career and marriage. At the center of his sudden turmoil is his former lover, Meredith Johnson (Moore), who reappears as his new boss in the position he expected to fill. She asks for a private meeting with him in her office after hours, and immediately tries to seduce an angry Bob. The next day the rebuffed Meredith charges him with sexual harassment and the fun begins. The high-tech world of E-mail, virtual reality and all the latest visual computer capabilities play an important part of the intricate puzzle Bob must solve to clear himself. DISCLOSURE could be a highly entertaining film, but its offensiveness is suffocating.
The seduction scene and its subsequent sexual harassment charges become the main focus of DISCLOSURE. Not only does the audience have to witness the prolonged pornographic sexual attack by Meredith on Bob, it is described repeatedly during the mediation hearings in great detail. While no nudity is shown, the unorthodox sexual advances leave nothing to the imagination. Surrounding this center piece is a profusion of pornographic words for body parts and sexual activity, along with many regular profanities and obscenities. To his credit, Bob's family is more important to him than erotic thrills. Also, his wife stands by him during his struggle to uncover the truth. The point is made repeatedly that sexual harassment is not about sex, but about power. DISCLOSURE's offensiveness is an insult to the intelligence of movie goers. It assumes that we are unable to comprehend using sex to gain power without force-feeding us graphic perverted acts. This film is predicted to gross over $125 million at the box office; now, that is nauseating.
Preview Reviewer: Mary Draughon
Distributor: Warner Brothers, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (9) times - Mild 3, Moderate 6
Obscene Language: Many (37) times (f-word 14, s-word 6, other 17)
Profanity: Many (16) times - Regular 15 (G-d, J, J-C), Exclamatory 1
Violence: Once - Moderate (rape/seduction scene)
Sex: Once, no nudity (unnatural act, woman the aggressor)
Nudity: Near nudity (woman in underwear)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times (vivid descriptions of sexual activity; crude references to body parts)
Drugs: Few times (social drinking)
Other: Family loyalty wins over adulterous advances
Running Time:
Intended Audience: Adults
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