The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (7) times - Mild 3, Moderate 4
Obscene Language: Many (64) times (f word 40, s word 21, other 3)
Profanity: Many (36) times - Regular 13 (G 1, G-d 3, J 6 For C sake 2, Oh J 1) Exclamatory 23 (Oh God 6, Oh my God 17)
Violence: None
Sex: Once (with male rear nudity and sexual sounds); Implied: Several times (many persons end up having sex, couple attempt intercourse in public restroom)
Nudity: Once (male rear nudity); Near Nudity: Several times (women in tight revealing clothing and lingerie)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Many times (references to female genitals, sex for the fun of it, sexual promiscuity, guy being a ineffective lover, sex techniques, losing virginity, having sex in cab, men looking for female breasts and necrophilia; man dared to have sex, jokes about reproductive eggs and woman having male genitals, negative reference to monogamy
Drugs: Drunkenness and cigarette smoking throughout, marijuana smoking twice
Other: Meaningless view of life, virginity seen as backward and nave, teens participate in drinking and sex with young adults, very seedy and sleazy setting throughout film
Running Time: 95 minutes
Intended Audience: Older teenagers and young adults
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