Die Hard With A Vengeance

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +3

Content: -3

New York City is rocked by a department store explosion on a hot summer day. The bomber, Simon (Jeremy Irons), threatens to explode more bombs if Lt. John McClane (Bruce Willis) doesn't do what Simon says. And Simon says that McClane must stand in Harlem wearing a racial slur around his neck. Compelled to follow the bizarre instructions, McClane is saved from a gang attack by a black storeowner, Zeus (Samuel L. Jackson). Then Simon demands that Zeus join McClane in a frantic attempt to find hidden bombs, based on clues he gives them over the phone. But Simon is only using McClane as a decoy to divert attention so he can steal all the gold in the Federal Exchange. Finding the bombs and disarming them challenges McClane and the audience. Can McClane stop both the bombs and Simon? The answer makes for tense, action-packed excitement in this third outing for McClane.

Zeus seems a positive role model for two youth when he tells them to get an education and not to be used by older drug dealers. But he also demonstrates a racial prejudice against whites. He saves McClane from an attack by blacks because he doesn't want more white policemen coming to Harlem for revenge. Another time he saves a white subway guard from death after the guard has pulled a gun on him. Admirably, the black man's resentment of whites seems secondary to his concern for people. Although frequent, the explosions, shooting, and chase scenes are rarely graphic. However, the violence is excessive at times. One stabbing is graphically suggested by spurting blood, and from a distance, a body is briefly seen cut in half by a steel cable. The policemen show a high concern for saving lives versus Simon's disregard for people. With its emphasis on action, DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE contains only one scene of implied sex. Sadly, along with the action, the audience is subjected to almost 150 obscenities and profanities, including an obscene rap song in the background music. Like many of today's films, this one is polluted with abominable language and excessive violence.

Preview Reviewer: Paul R. Bicking
20th Century Fox, 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (39) times - Mild 19, Moderate 20

Obscene Language: Many (120) times (f-word 69, s-word 43, other 8)

Profanity: Many (24) times - Regular 18 (GD 12, C 3, JC 3), Exclamatory 6

Violence: Many times - Moderate and Severe (cuts/stabbings with knives; hits/kicks; shootings (few graphic); explosions; boy cut in half, hit with door, thrown against wall; bloody bodies, falls from height)

Sex: Implied once (no nudity)

Nudity: None but near nudity once (man rips open woman's shirt)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: None

Drugs: Reference to hangover (not condoned); cigarette smoking; negative reference to drug dealing

Other: Racial slurs; policemen viewed in positive light; black man expresses prejudice against whites; message that education important

Running Time:
Intended Audience: Young Adults

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