Theory of Flight, The

MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +1

Content: -3

In modern day England, Richard (Kenneth Branagh), a man attempting to reinvent the airplane, is assigned public service after one of his attempts to fly off a London bank. He is assigned to spend several hours taking care of Jane Hatchard (Helena Bonham Carter) who is bound to a wheelchair and dying of motor neuron disease. As the two become close friends, Jane ask Richard for a special favor to help her lose her virginity. Richard declines but offers to help pay for a male prostitute (Ray Stevenson) to do the "evil deed." Meanwhile, Richard spends his spare time constructing an old fashioned airplane out of scavenged material from the junkyard. When Richard discovers he doesnt have the money to help Jane with her sexual quest, he determines to rob a bank in order to make Janes dreams come true. This odd romantic comedy is short on humor, but has its inspiring moments. Although Branagh and Carter give wonderful performances, THEORY OF FLIGHT will probably perform poorly at the box office.

While Richards aspiration to build an airplane is inspirational, the offensive elements in the film far outweigh the positive theme of endurance. As the plot would suggest, there are several sexual conversations concerning Jane losing her virginity but nothing is said to condemn her desire for sex outside of marriage. Although no actual live sex is shown, a graphic sex scene including motions and sound along with concealed breast and genitals is witnessed on a computer screen as Jane envies the near naked couple. Another scene shows a near nude man standing with his hands concealing his genitals. But the most offensive element the casual, gratuitous, showing of an illustrated painting of Jesus and his disciples with full frontal male nudity, along with a crude comment made concerning Christs genitals. Also, 54 obscenities and one regular profanity along with the condoning of premarital sex add additional objectionable elements to this offensive film. But the particularly offensive irreverence to Jesus Christ should be enough to keep any Christian or any other respectable person away from the THEORY OF FLIGHT.

Preview Reviewer: Rik Wyrick
Fine Line, 888 7th Ave., 20th Floor, NY, NY, 10106

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Once Mild

Obscene Language: Many (54) times (f word 38, s word 9, other 7)

Profanity: Once Regular (J)

Violence: None

Sex: Once Graphic (sounds and motions of couple on computer with genitals and breast covered)

Nudity: Once Severe (full frontal male nudity of Christ and disciples in a painting); Near Nudity: Few times (couple on computer with genitals and breast covered, man standing with genitals covered, couple strips down to underwear)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several times (woman discusses losing her virginity, man helps woman find male prostitute)

Drugs: Many times (smoking)

Other: Use of the slang word

Running Time: 98 minutes
Intended Audience: Adults

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