Passion Of Mind

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Entertainment: +1

Content: -2

The world of dreams holds a certain sense of mystery that intrigues all who ponder it. In this new drama, Marie/Marty (Demi Moore) is stuck between two worlds and cant decide which is the dream and which is reality. When she falls asleep as Marie, a single mother in France, she then wakes up as Marty, a high-powered executive in New York City. Marie/Marty cannot decide how to remedy not knowing which is real, because shes afraid of ending one of the worlds. She desperately loves things in each world and hates the idea of waking up from one of them. However, in the course of her lives, she becomes romantically involved in each world, and her relationships further spur finding out which life is real and which is only a figment of her imagination. PASSION OF MIND explores an interesting premise that carries a certain amount of tension as the audience waits to see which world will be real. And while the ending is fairly creative in tying it all together, the general audience response is absolute boredom, certainly spelling doom at the box office.

In some attempt at philosophical psychology, one character advises Marty she needs to do whatever she wishes she could do. In other words, she should dream about doing great things, and then follow through with those dreams. This expresses a hopeful sentiment considering many of us fail to accomplish things we dreamed and hoped for when younger. Later in the film, Marie and Marty both become involved with a man, which presents even more of a conflict for her. Unfortunately, she becomes sexually active in both lives and those scenes are included. Although no nudity occurs, graphic activity is portrayed three times. Another scene implies a sexual occurrence as Marty lies in bed with a man. The dialogue also contains a few obscenities and 10 regular profanities. Graphic depiction of sexual acts and regular profanity make PASSION OF MIND a real loser in our minds

Preview Reviewer: John Adair
Paramount Pictures, 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Several (7) times Mild 5, moderate 2

Obscene Language: Few (3) times - S-word

Profanity: Many (11) times - Regular 10 (G 6, GD 1, J 2, C 1); exclamatory 1 (Oh God)

Violence: None

Sex: Few times Implied and graphic (couple under covers, graphic motions three times - no nudity)

Nudity: None; Near nudity - Few times (woman in semi-transparent nightgown, lack of undergarments obvious)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (sexual innuendo, proposition for sex)

Drugs: Many times (smoking, alcohol)

Other: Philosophy of always do what you wish you could; character comments that the dead are always with us

Running Time: 105 minutes
Intended Audience: Older teens and adults

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