To Die For
MPAA Rating: R
Entertainment: +3
Content: -2 1/2
Andy Warhol predicted 15 minutes of fame for everybody sometime in their life. For Suzanne Stone (Nicole Kidman), that's not enough time. Infatuated with the fame afforded by television, Suzanne will do anything to become a media name. Starting at a local cable TV station, she has ambitions of sharing the media spotlight with such names as Connie Chung and Jane Pauley. The only thing holding her back may be her husband, Larry (Matt Dillon), who works in his family's Italian restaurant. He wants kids and her involvement in the family enterprise. To overcome this obstacle to her rise, she seduces a teenage delinquent, Jimmy (Joaquin Phoenix), and manipulates him and his friends into killing Larry. This only increases the media interest in her. Its humorous satire on the power of TV created fame will probably make this dark comedy a winner at the box office.
Sadly, Suzanne's views of the world are molded by television and warped by her desire for the fame it seems to create. She tells a girl that you're no one in America if you're not on TV. Suzanne allows nothing to get in her way and she doesn't take no for an answer. When a vulgar, dirty-minded network executive implies that sexual acts will help her get into TV, she is willing to follow through with his suggestions. She does get a TV job without sexual favors, but uses sex to manipulate a teenage boy and his friends to murder. The dialogue has many sexual references. Sex is also shown a few times, once with male rear nudity. The language is often crude and obscene, and the Lord's name is taken in vain many times. Thankfully, the murder takes place off-screen, and only its bloody results are shown. The subject matter of manipulating teenagers with sex, sexual innuendo and offensive language in this movie hardly qualifies it as a must see for discriminating viewers.
Preview Reviewer: Paul Bicking
Distributor: Columbia Pictures, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City , CA 90232
The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.
Crude Language: Several (6) times - Moderate
Obscene Language: Many (30) times - F-word 17, s-word 6, other 6, finger gesture once)
Profanity: Many (15) times - Regular 8 (GD 1, JC 7), Exclamatory 7
Violence: Few times - Mild and Moderate (corpse shown with blood by head and later in ice; off-screen shooting, off-screen slap, TV smashed with bat)
Sex: Few times (against tree; implied by sound in bedroom; implied in motel; once with male rear nudity)
Nudity: Once (male rear); Near Nudity (woman in underwear twice)
Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Several time (man pats female rear, puts hand on leg; double entendres; student tries to look up dress; girl describes molesting by mom's boyfriend; fantasy sexual dialogue, sensual dancing, sexual encounters described; teens discuss sexually transmitted diseases and sex)
Drugs: None but referenced in dialogue
Other: None
Running Time:
Intended Audience: Older teens, adults
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