
MPAA Rating: R

Entertainment: +1 1/2

Content: -2 1/2

Three high school girls decide to kidnap their friend Liz on her 17th birthday, and take her to breakfast. Their joke turns into tragedy when Courtney (Rose McGowan) stuffs a jaw breaker in her friends mouth, strangling Liz. Instead of reporting their friends death, Courtney insists they take her back to her bedroom and make the death look like rape. But the girls have a problem -- they have been seen by another student, Fern Mayo (Judy Evans Greer). Fern is one of those girls who blends into the wallpaper and dreams of being part of the in group at school. Courtney promises to make Fern into a glamorous member of their group if she will not tell what she has seen. The new Fern gets a new name, a new look and new popularity, usurping Courtneys status as most popular girl at school. This teen horror flick, rated R, may appeal to the 14 and 15-year-olds, but anyone older than that will be horrified by the ridiculous plot and dialogue.

Courtney personifies evil as she shows no remorse or feelings for her friend who died. The girls struggling with arranging the bruised corpse to make rape believable is graphic and heartless. Courtney threatens her friends so they wont tell the truth. Fortunately, one of the girls, Julie (Rebecca Gayheart) dares to defy Courtney. The girls wear inappropriate revealing, tight-fitting clothes with high heels at school. A disgusting sex scene between Courtney and her boyfriend has no nudity, but it is obvious they are having unconventional sex. Once Fern becomes physically attractive, she acquires power to become head cheerleader, star in the school play, and dominate her classmates. Foul language abounds as well, with 27 obscenities and 12 profanities. Overall, JAWBREAKER insults teenagers, portraying them as either cruel and immoral or stupid. It also implies that heavy makeup, sexually suggestive clothes and dyed hair are the keys to success. For that, the foul language, and its sex scene, this film is definitely off-limits for discerning viewers, especially the targeted teen audience.

Preview Reviewer: Mary Draughon
TriStar Pictures, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 91521

The following categories contain objective listings of film content which contribute to the subjective numeric Content ratings posted to the left and on the Home page.

Crude Language: Many (21) timesMild 5, Moderate 16

Obscene Language: Many (27) times (s-word 9, f-word 15, other 3)

Profanity: Many (12) timesRegular 4 (G3, J 1), Exclamatory 8

Violence: Few timesModerate and Severe (girl strangled with jawbreaker, graphic views of bruised corpse shown several times)

Sex: Once (teenagers have unconventional sex, no nudity)

Nudity: None; Near Nudity several times (corpse in underwear, girls wear low-cut, tight-fitting clothes)

Sexual Dialogue/Gesture: Few times (girls talk suggestively to boys)

Drugs: None

Other: False message that artificial beauty empowers; negative portrayal of teenagers

Running Time: 87 minutes
Intended Audience: Teenagers

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