Unbroken FILM SYNOPSIS: Unbroken chronicles the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II after surviving being lost at sea for 47 days. PREVIEW REVIEW: This is a solid film, well acted, moving, and instructive. It is also brutal, the filmmaker (Angelina Jolie) making the point that we can persevere no matter what we must endure. It’s even suggested that the main protagonist was able, through his faith, to forgive those who thrust evil upon him. People in his life lived their religious convictions in front of him, which caused Louis Zamperini to eventually turn to Christ. Alas, for me, it is not the great film I was hoping for. It’s a good film that will leave you with a positive message, but the film only hints at the spiritual convictions Mr. Zamperini held. This ability to forgive is only given to us via a couple of written lines at the very end of the production. At 137 minutes, the film runs long due to the fact that we are subjected to endless scenes reflecting his time spent suffering at sea, then in a POW camp, while Zamperini’s conversion and healing process are given virtually no screen time. That’s the great film that wasn’t made! That’s this man’s legacy – how a soul can find healing and peace. In the filmmaker’s defense, there is nothing more difficult to bring to the screen than a depiction of spiritual healing and forgiveness. Matters of the spirit are unseen by eyes that don’t view with faith. But there have been other films more successful with addressing the question of how one comes to forgive monsters. While I do think Unbroken is worth your viewing, I’ll leave you with two films that are more open with how we can forgive others. DVD Alternatives: Amish Grace. The true story is about the aftermath of the 2006 schoolhouse shooting in the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania. The book’s title best summarizes the production’s theme – Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy. Riveting, emotionally stirring, a powerful TV experience. . The Scarlet and the Black. Made-for-TV true story of a priest (Gregory Peck) who harbored allied POW escapees and the Nazi official (Christopher Plummer) who tries to catch him. The film is long (155 min.) but the message contained at the end of the picture should not be missed. A true example of Jesus’ compassion will help remind each of us to love our enemies BONUS MATERIAL: Read Preview Editor Phil Boatwright's expanded review, which includes an interview with Louis Zamperini's son Luke. Preview Reviewer: Phil BoatwrightDistributor: Universal Summary Copyright Preview Family Movie Review (www.previeoOnline.org) |