9000 Needles
by Phil Boatwright

A moving documentary about family and overcoming unimaginable obstacles, 9000 Needles tells the story of Devin Dearth, a stroke victim who seeks aid in china due to medical costs in America.

“A documentary about a stroke victim? I think I’ll take a pass.” I would have said the same thing had I not been obligated to review it. But I’m very glad I did watch the screener. I was moved, uplifted and encouraged by the strength of character, not just of Mr. Dearth, but as shown by the love and strength of character of his wife, brother and children.

Supported by a loving church in the states, the film has several positive messages, but also justly indicts our medical system through its depiction of coverage battles.

Produced and directed by Dough Dearth. 83 min. Not rated, I found nothing objectionable. It does feature acupuncture and extensive therapy, but it is encouraging to see the support of the doctors and Devin’s will power. 9000 Needles won Best Documentary awards at the Phoenix Film Festival, Temecula Film Festival and Docuwest Film Festival in 2010. Released through Bigfoot Ascendant (bigfootascendant.com). This would be perfect for church film libraries.