A New Film Reference Book

An incisive, often humorous revelation of the cinema's cultural impact - one loaded with DVD
suggestions for the whole family - even Mom!
Along with 21 chapters that guide you safely through the maze of Hollywood mediocrity and the spiritually unrewarding, MOVIES offers countless references to films, plus spotlights on classics and soon to be classics. It’s a useful tool for parents and concerned moviegoers, one you’ll find yourself coming back to over and over.
Secrets of the Motion Picture Business
The Best Movie Moments
The Worst Movie Moments
Christmas Double-Features
How to Counter Hollywood's Influence
Christian Filmmakers
How to Help Teens Make Wise Movie Choices
How to Pick a Great Date Movie
Here's some of the early "buzz":
"Boatwright's appreciation for the art form of film is always evident. He reminds us of great movies past and present, spotlights hidden gems that went overlooked by box office receipts, and ferrets out soon-to-be classics you're sure to love. It's and easy, captivating read..." |
Jonathan Bock
Grace Hill Media |
“Boatwright is a Christian and writes his reviews with an eye to Christian family values…This book is not an anthology of film reviews, but rather a composite view of one film critic's experience in being a Christian in the field of film entertainment.” |
Marie Asner, In a review posted on PhantomTollbooth.org |
“Through it all, Boatwright informs without condescension or mockery, never making a clever statement at the expense of someone else. His observations come from a place of deep personal conviction, and we’re reminded often that watching films is, for him, a spiritual exercise of finding moments of glory in a beloved art.” |
Angel Walker, A New Book for Those Who Want to Know What Movies to Watch |
"For over a decade Phil and I have been "movie-buddies". We've watched countless movies at press screenings, then spent hours discussing the good, the bad, and the really, really bad afterwards. Phil truly loves what he does and has a heart to share his expertise with anyone who wants to protect their mind, soul, and spirit. So grab the popcorn and get ready to applaud THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE REALLY, REALLY BAD!" |
Holly McClure
TBN Family FilmCritic |
"Phil Boatwright is unique in that he has a trained artistic eye focusing on cinema through a lens of Biblical Truth. His value for the arts is true and his commitment to an honest Christian perspective is faithful. In "Movies" he brilliantly traces the demise of the Hollywood entertainment establishment. Thoughtful and thought-provoking, his work could very well become the standard for historical reference..." |
Will Hall
Southern Baptist Convention Executive Commitee & Executive Editor, Baptist Press |
"Phil Boatwright knows movies like most people know their home town. He has compiled his entire career into a book so that everyone can take advantage of his very good work..." |
Elliott Wallach
Edify Media, Inc. |
So, what's in the book? Here's the scoop:
CHAPTER 1: What Are Movies Saying About Our Culture?...Influencing Vs. Reflecting
CHAPTER 2: When Worlds Collide...The Clash Between Culture and Church
CHAPTER 3: Good Movies That Begat Bad Movies…How Did We Get To Where We Got?
CHAPTER 4: It’s Not America’s Fault…The World Just Likes Bad Movies
CHAPTER 5: Profanity In the Movies…What’s the Big Deal?
CHAPTER 5, PART 2: What’s In a Word?...Profanity Vs. Obscenity
CHAPTER 6: Rating The Movie Ratings…Why Are They Of So Little Help?
CHAPTER 6, PART 2: Ratings Creep…The Trickle Down Effect
CHAPTER 7: Hollywood’s Hall of Shame…The Trailblazers
CHAPTER 8: I Once Met a Conservative in Hollywood…He Moved
CHAPTER 9: Jesus Vs. Hercules…Is Jesus a Myth?
CHAPTER 10: Nothing Sacred…Men of Faith in the Movies
CHAPTER 11: The Business of Showbiz…Where is Hollywood Going?
CHAPTER 12: The Link Between the Church and Tinseltown…All Is Not Lost
CHAPTER 13: Faith On Film…Christian Imagery from the Movies
CHAPTER 13, PART 2: Academy Award Contenders… Faith and the Oscar
CHAPTER 14: Have We Lost the Culture War?...How To Counter Hollywood’s Influence
CHAPTER 15: Video Alternatives for the Family…Kids, Teens, Family, even Moms
CHAPTER 16: How To Choose A Great Date Flick
CHAPTER 17: The Best Movies of All Time…So Saith the Reviewer
CHAPTER 17, PART 2: Movies: the Good, the Bad…And the Really, Really Bad
CHAPTER 18: Where To Write
CHAPTER 19: About the Author
CHAPTER 20: Getting Personal…Why I Can Go To Movies And You Can’t?
CHAPTER 21: Tribute to an Unknown Artist
Special Offer from The Movie Reporter
Well, it’s that time of the year where people suggest you buy stuff (their stuff) for stocking stuffers. Have to tell ya, I’m going to do the same. But read this first before you think you can’t afford to buy anything else this year. There’s such a deal coming.
As you know, I wrote this book, MOVIES: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE REALLY, REALLY BAD. I have received good notices for it and I still believe it is a useful tool for Christian parents and concerned moviegoers.
Purpose: Along with 21 chapters that guide you safely through the maze of Hollywood mediocrity and the spiritually unrewarding, MOVIES offers countless references to films, plus spotlights on classics and soon to be classics. It’s a useful tool for parents and concerned moviegoers, one you’ll find yourself coming back to over and over.
I’ve done something new to the book – it’s a new, improved book. I spent over three hours with an English professor who’d read it and underlined its deficiencies (I tend to dangle my participles and other grammatical no-nos). Long story short – I took the book off the market and made many corrections. While I didn’t make every change the professor suggested, I did make a bunch!
MOVIES: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE REALLY, REALLY BAD is once again available. Many of you have already purchased a copy or two. Good, that’s good, but now it’s time to buy some for friends, relatives and your local libraries.
You can either purchase the book on Amazon.com and pay with a credit card, or you can mail me a check and I’ll send you signed copies.
Buy from me and you get a very special deal. Pay $18.95 for book, including the S&H ,and get a free year’s subscription to The Movie Reporter for either you or a friend. Normally, it costs $16.95 for a year’s subscription. Buy now and save $16.95! Come on, that’s a pretty good deal.
“But Phil, I can go online and get reviews free.” Nothing’s free, kids. Please keep in mind that Bible verse that says, “A man is worthy of his hire.” This is how I make my living (such as it is). Since I’m not rich after 22 years of reviewing films, why do you think I do this work? Think it’s easy? Not if you’re trying to improve. Think I enjoy watching obscene or objectionable material? I do it so you won’t have to. So, what’s my motive for writing about Hollywood? Read my book. It will answer that question. Look below for kind comments concerning the book.
Order as soon as possible so you can get your copies by Christmas. Make sure to include free subscription info (name of recipient and email address).
Make your check out for $18.95 to:
Central Christian Publications
492 E. 12th Street
Tonganoxie, KS 66086